Coronavirus guidance for social care and social work

SCIE latest


A range of resources for councils and care providers to support over the COVID-19 pandemic. From infection control to mental capacity and from care homes to children's services.
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Looking for tailored training or consultancy support?

Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) improves the lives of people of all ages by co-producing, sharing, and supporting the use of the best available knowledge and evidence about what works in social care and social work.


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  • Guidance and resources
  • COVID-19 support
  • Co-production advice
  • Training and e-Learning
  • Consultancy and Transformation support
Care provider - improvement support

CPD-accredited training, consultancy and free resources. Support before and after CQC inspection for adult social care.

Children’s services

CPD-accredited training, support with case reviews and audits, research and resources, and set up of the What Works Centre.

Integrated health and social care

Expert support on integrated working, Better Care Fund planning and Sustainability and Transformation Plans.


Training, improvement support, consultancy and resources on safeguarding adults and children at risk of abuse or neglect.

Transformation of care and support

Expert advice and resources to support organisations and local systems to improve outcomes and cost-effectiveness for adults, children and families through transformation.

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice, resources and insights for social care A range of resources for councils and care providers to support over the COVID-19 pandemic. From infection control to mental capacity and from care homes to children's services.


SCIELine ebulletin 23 July 2023 Featured: Our updated hub brings together advice, insights and resources for social care providers dealing with COVID-19


SCIE's views on home care SCIE's Chief Executive Kathryn Smith writes for Home Care Insight: "Home care must be at the heart of reforms to adult social care"


Podcast from SCIE The future of social care funding. With Andrew Dilnot. Part of our 'Beyond COVID-19' series of podcasts


Infection control e-learning Infection prevention and control are essential to stopping the spread of COVID-19. Video-based course for care providers
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Study from home and learn remotely. Our courses are delivered by subject experts to ensure their relevance and prac……


SCIE @SCIE_socialcare

Free webinar: Co-production and communities - how to make it real for commissioners 🗓️14 August 2023 🕑 2–…

03/08/2023 14:25:14

SCIE @SCIE_socialcare

RT @SCIE_socialcare: Now with recordings of the entire second series - our free-to-access webinars on safeguarding adults, funded by @DHSCg…

03/08/2023 10:32:15